Friday, October 27, 2006

On Giraud, Moebius and Blueberry

Hi, I am revisiting Jean Giraud, a. k. a. Moebius, the artist whose work I'd admired since I was a little kid. Did this little doodle after watching a short french documentary on his technique (link). He truly is the king. I love the way he throws pencil and ink strokes on the paper. It also convinced me that the best way of drawing comics is to use large sheets of paper. I just completed inking a 14-page comic with 8 or 9 panels per page on 210 x 297 mm sheets (standard A4). I should have used either the sheets that are double that size, or done large panels, one or two per page, and then stiched them together after scanning. I suppose that in the latter scenario I would have to know the proportions in order to fit these panels within boundaries of the page. I think I should definitely consult a professional on these issues.

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