Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy Monday

I'll start off this post with a portrait of a man sitting, that I made on my last class at the prep-school for the Academy. I have just finished one semester, and I'm not thinking of continuing, because I need to focus more on other requirements of the entrance exam apart from portrait and figure drawing, which is sequential art, character development and drawing human figure in different position from imagination. It is the Department for Animation and New Media after all, and they'll be interested in things other than portrait/figure drawing, despite it nevertheless being an important part of the exam.

The rest are just doodles.


Frano said...

Ćao drugar. Pregledao sam blog i zaključak je da ima izvrsnih stvari. Svaka čast i na želji da upadneš na akademiju. S ovakvim odnosom prema radu tebi će to biti igrarija.
Pohvalno je što posvećuješ toliko pažnje dokumentacji.
Samo naprijed.

miljenko said...

Hvala Frano, eto trudim se. Dosta i od tvojih fenomenalnih crteža učim.

Inktober 2018 - Posse